Continuum™350新一代先进的工业焊接解决方案通过焊接质量、易用性和系统灵活性提高了生产率。全新电源设计智能、强大的数字设计,快速响应,提供最稳定的焊接性能,达到更好的焊接效果。作为一个平台开发,以满足当前和未来的需求与集成扩展能力。Auto-Line™电源管理技术允许任意输入电压连接(230-575 V),无需手动连接。消除因电源肮脏或不可靠而造成的焊接缺陷。优越的电弧性能-改进Accu-Pulse®提供更少的飞溅,更好的电弧控制和更少的热输入-非常宽容的变化在突出。-改进的MIG性能提供一贯平滑的弧开始和减少飞溅。-改进的RMD -设计用于薄材料和缝隙填充,非常低的飞溅。全新的馈线设计-更快的电机响应提供了最佳的电弧启动,飞溅最少。- trui - feed™技术提供精确的进给操作,稳定的电弧性能。 New Weld Processes - Versa-Pulse™ is a fast, low-heat, low-spatter process resulting in faster travel speeds and increased productivity for semi-automated and automated welding. Typically used on thin materials up to 1/4 inch., great for gap filling on sheet metal and tube applications. - High-Deposition MIG offers higher deposition rates than standard spray transfer — resulting in faster welding and increased productivity. Typically used for thicker material and larger welds (6 to 8 mm).