Micromeritics创新的MicroActive软件允许用户交互评估来自Micromeritics ASAP、三星和Gemini气体吸附仪器的等温度数据。用户可以很容易地包含或排除数据,使用交互式的、可移动的计算条来拟合实验获得的数据点的期望范围。等温线可以在线性或对数尺度上查看,并在每个计算模型下提供给用户。不需要生成报告来审查结果-现在可以在屏幕上看到它的图形化和交互式。除了传统的高级或基本视图外,实验数据视图是用户可选择的。只需打开数据文件,用户就可以直接访问他们的数据。不需要生成报告来查看结果。快速切换传统视图和新的图形视图。屏幕布局的设计提供了一个用户友好的界面。许多气体吸附模型包括在内-所有使用等温数据。 Interaction with adsorption data is direct. By simply moving the calculation bars, the user is immediately updated with the new textural properties. One-click access to important parameters allows the user to focus on the result rather than the parameters. Interactive data manipulation minimizes the use of dialog boxes and tunneling of dialogs to specify calculation parameters. This allows the user to accurately and efficiently determine surface area and porosity of their materials. Eliminates multiple, manual trial runs to determine optimal fit of the NLDFT model to experimental data for roughness and residual error correction – immediately update results information.