主键EP21TCHT-1是一种双组分,导热,耐热环氧化合物配制,在环境温度下固化或在高温下更快。EP21TCHT-1重量混合比例为100:60。最重要的是,它以惊人的数据通过了NASA的低排气测试。EP21TCHT-1提供一系列卓越的物理性能一旦固化。该系统是一种优秀的,高强度的粘合剂,导热,但电绝缘。这种环氧树脂可以承受严格的热循环和冲击。它的独特之处在于既具有耐高温性能,又具有最高的低温使用性能。它的实际使用温度范围从4K到+400°F。它能很好地与多种基材结合,包括复合材料、金属、陶瓷、玻璃和许多橡胶和塑料。EP21TCHT-1抗许多化学物质,包括水,油,燃料和许多酸和碱。 Its thermal expansion coefficient is remarkably low, as indicated below. For an epoxy system, its dimensional stability is second to none. The color of Part A and Part B is off-white. EP21TCHT-1 is widely used in aerospace, electronics, electrical, semiconductor, and cryogenic applications. As a NASA qualified system, it is ideal for high vacuum type applications, particularly those where only slightly elevated temperature cures are possible. However, the best curing schedule to optimize properties is overnight at room temperature followed by 2 hours at 175-200°F. Product Advantages Easy to apply paste consistency Good thermal conductivity and electrical insulation NASA low outgassing Very low CTE Passes fungus resistance MIL-STD-810G