运输和临时订单拣选更符合人体工程学,更安全,更快的托盘卡车与订单拣选升降机T16 L使处理和临时订单拣选更容易。操作员将托盘提升到一个舒适的高度,然后可以存放或装载货物。此外,卡车适应这种升降机自动与可选的AutoLift功能。因此,即使货物被堆放在托盘上,操作者的负载高度也保持不变。坚固的钢结构保护卡车在坚固、连续的使用过程中不受损坏。低底盘覆盖车轮和保护操作员的脚。强大的三相电机提供良好的加速度,即使在最大负载1600kg。在最大提升高度,卡车有800公斤的剩余负载能力。安全特性低底盘覆盖车轮,保护操作者的脚。T16 L的加长舵柄安装在卡车的低点。 This creates a safe distance between the operator and the truck when it is moving. The tiller head offers additional safety, because it completely surrounds the driver's hands. The SafetySpeed function is available as an option. It adjusts the speed to the tiller position - the higher the tiller, the slower the speed. This increases safety in tight spaces. • - Deep-drawn chassis for foot guard • - SafetySpeed Function • - Tiller with hand protection • - Low tiller mounting point Ergonomics The order picking lift of the T16 L eliminates the need for the operator to kneel down or bend their back during loading. There are switches on both sides of the truck to easily control this lift.