完美的人体工程学,快速工作流程T20 - T25 AP/SP托盘卡车为驾驶员提供量身定制的人体工程学工作条件。琳德的基本概念是灵活的。在AP型号中,驾驶员可以向上移动站立平台,并折叠转向分配器。平台卡车根据需要变成全方位服务的行人型号。相反,SP模式具有固定的站立平台。卡车有一个来自林德的电子驾驶员控制器,操作员与旅行方向成直角,可以向前和向后看到。因此,许多操作要容易得多,并且可以更快地完成。托盘卡车的最大提升能力为2000或2400千克,具体取决于该型号。还提供锂离子电池。特征安全性的固体钢裙伸到地板上会吸收轻微的影响并保护驾驶员的身体。 The compact design of the steering unit ensures that the driver always stays inside the solid body of the truck when driving. Both models have three independent braking systems ensuring the safety of the driver and the load in every driving situation. If the operator takes their foot off of the drive switch, the electromagnetic braking system activates automatically. The same applies if the dead-man switch is released or the emergency stop activated. • - Solid steel skirt • - Compact steering design • - Three independent braking systems