HKT-001A循环低温恒温浴可为各种恒温实验提供高温、低温恒温浴。恒温浴带泵循环系统,用于密闭循环系统恒温,也可作为冷源循环系统用于半导体等冷却系统冷源。它不仅可以代替自来水作为冷水源的不利因素,还可以达到节约用水的目的,使管道更加清洁。本机采用压缩机冷却,噪音低环保产品。必威体育app官方下载特点1。采用制冷压缩机作为冷却装置,速度快,噪音低,环保。2.本仪器采用数字显示控制温度。采用固态继电器控温精度高。3.The instrument adopts electrical motor to stir; the speed and temperature are well-balanced. 4.The constant temperature bath can be used to do different kinds of constant temperature test as well can be used as the cold source of other closed cycle system. 5.The instrument features wide temperature controlling range, can be used to do both high and low constant temperature. 6.Rational design with attractive appearance and easy operation. Technical parameters 1.Rated voltage: AC220V±10% 50Hz 2.Power: 1300W 3.Temperature control range: -10~80°C(-30~80°C) 4.Precision of constant temperature: ±0.1°C 5.Volume: 8L(15L) 6.Refrigeration mode: Compression machine