香港-6602液化石油气蒸汽压力(LPG方法)Détermination装置香港-6602液化石油气蒸汽压力(LPG方法)Détermination装置符合ASTM D1267液化石油气(LP)气体的计量蒸汽压力标准试验方法(LP- gas方法)。该仪器用于检测液化石油气产品(警告-可燃气体)的计蒸汽压。必威体育app官方下载吸入时是有害的)。températures为37.8°C(100°F),测试température为70*0(158^)。特点1。-数字显示température控制器,操作简单灵活。Température控制précision高。2.-加热输出采用固态继电器,无触点、无火花、无噪音。使用寿命长,运行安全可靠。3. - The heater adopts stainless Steel material. The heating rate is fast and the life time is long. 4. - The apparatus can proceed two groups of experiments at the same time, improves work efficiency. 5. - The apparatus adopts pump loop to stir regularly and noiselessly. Bomb body is heated equably. 6. - Rational design with attractive appearance and easy operation.