来自Kollmorgen的RBE系列是一个经过验证的平台,在国防,半导体,机床,工业自动化,医疗和机器人技术等各种行业中提供多年的直接驱动电动机解决方案。将无框配置作为转子和定子组件提供,该组件直接与负载的负载集成在一起,其中支持负载的相同轴承也支持电动机。这种配置消除了轴,轴承,末端铃和耦合,从而减少了体积,重量和复杂性。俗话说,这些电动机是“老式但糖果”,并且继续是可行的解决方案,在相对较高的扭矩和低速,煎饼型电动机配置中。请务必查看我们的新型KBMTM系列电动机,该电动机代表具有更扩展的产品范围和标准选项的最新高性能无刷运动产品。必威体育app官方下载功能•10帧尺寸从21.3mm到239mm OD•连续扭矩范围从.01 N-M到38 N-M•峰值扭矩范围从.03 N-M到200 N-M•速度最高为35,000 rpm•标准和定制绕组可匹配速度/扭矩性能requirements • RBEH housed models come with stainless steel shafts and can include any combination of Hall sensors, encoder or resolver as rotor position feedback devices • RBE frameless models use the load’s own shaft and bearings, and can include integral Hall sensors, and additional position feedback devices such as encoders or resolvers can be added as separate components Benefits • Low cogging for smooth low-speed rotation • Brushless design allows significant reductions in rotor inertia and increases in acceleration