电机驱动3130紧凑型24v直流电机蜗轮蜗杆和连续六角插座。优化的声音特性,由于弹性耦合和振动阻尼紧固元件。虽然该驱动器是为人体工程学表的应用而开发的,但它可以用于许多其他领域。对该传动装置进行了轴向压力载荷的设计和试验。一根带AMP插头的电缆和集成的霍尔传感器可以轻松和安全的控制整个系统。特色振动和sound-damped主轴系统的设计到机械解耦两个集成霍尔传感器测量的革命和旋转方向通过六角套筒扳手宽度6毫米,7毫米良好的自锁性能100毫米电动机电缆与连接器包括可以结合most Ketterer spindle systems Variant key The variants are formed by the different wrench widths and by fastening variants with and without fastening plate (Variant A or Variant B). Technical notes The drive working range (nominal torque) is determined for a service life of 10,000 double strokes. Through the controller* the system is regulated such that the speed in the entire drive working range is kept as constant as possible. By using a controller with a short-circuit brake the holding torque position of the drive can be increased. * In combination with LogicData control box Compact-3