强大的24v直流蜗轮电机,设计成与直轴平行的直轴。理想的集成在提升柱。该驱动器仅适用于轴向压力负载。标准连接器和集成霍尔传感器技术的电缆可以简单和安全的控制整个系统。特殊功能两个集成的霍尔传感器,用于测量转数和旋转方向贯穿主轴不同类型的内螺纹自锁性能好速度快,功能强大单独订购主轴变体键不同类型内螺纹形成的变体,用于连接主轴。技术说明主轴不包括在内;必须单独订购。注意:该传动只适用于轴向压力负载。注意安装位置正确(参见安装样例)。驱动器必须通过导向系统来防止侧向力。 The drive working range (nominal torque) is determined for a service life of 10,000 double strokes. By using a controller with a short-circuit brake the holding torque position of the drive can be increased. The controller* regulates the system in such a way that the travel speed in the entire drive working range is kept as constant as possible. * In combination with LogicData control box Compact-3