低成本的滑移离合器设计,用于瞬时和/或连续滑移。扭矩是磁产生的,消除了发生在典型摩擦装置内的高分离扭矩的可能性。扭矩在给定的速度范围内是一致的。单元是密封的,因此内部粒子不能污染机器,同样外部粒子也不能污染OPLs。机组配备不锈钢轴,可根据用户需要定制。(OPR单元是空心孔安装。)精确的转矩;拖动力矩是由滞后原理产生的。这允许恒定的扭矩水平,并消除了典型摩擦装置出现的高分离扭矩的可能性。运行寿命长; Permanent magnets and magnetic particles transmit toque, therefore, wear is virutally eliminated. Available In Two Types; The standard OPL units (N type) come with an integral shaft. This shaft can be lengthened, shortened or adapted to suit a customer's requirements, such as D cuts, snap ring grooves and others. The shaft material is 400 series stainless steel. The second option if for OPL units to be supplied with a thru-bore type). Smaller bore units are available in 6 mm and 8 mm, larger units are only available with an 8 mm bore. No Contamination; Units are sealed which prevents any particles from contaminating the machine, and also prevents contamination of the clutch by the machine environment.