永磁制动器设计为工业和移动应用。制动力是通过磁铁产生的,这减少了大小和重量的制动器与弹簧应用的制动器。电枢通过弹簧安装,消除了间隙。标准的刹车可以适应温度高达140℃,刹车可以调整提供一个控制的停止。输出程序集易于修改,以适应您的应用程序。UL和CSA被认为是运动控制系统中使用的一个组件。按照UL508第17版和CSAC 22.2第14-13号第12版批准。高扭矩紧凑设计。因为永磁体与弹簧的使用,整体尺寸的制动器是较小的给定扭矩大小。由于制动器更小,重量也更轻,这在某些应用中可能是一个优势。 Controlled Stop. Since torque is directly controlled by flux, a brake can be tuned to provide a softer stop in an application versus having full torque applied. Easily Customized For Your Application. Both the mounting flange and the output hub and armature assembly can be easily modified to fit your existing application. Zero Backlash; The PMB Series of Brakes have a spring mounted armature, which eliminates backlash in the brake. No Drag Torque; When brakes are released, an airgap is present which completely releases the armature resulting in zero drag. High Operating Temperatures; The standard magnetic material used in the brakes can accommodate temperatures up to 140 degrees celsius. If an application requires it, special material is also available on some sizes to accommodate higher temperatures.