KNZD-17紧急帮助点KNZD-17紧急帮助点电话通常用作紧急呼叫点,它帮助人们在公共场所遇到紧急情况时寻求帮助。在地铁、银行安装,为残疾人寻求帮助带来了极大的方便。紧急救助点是由政府机构或组织在公共场所设立的救助点。如果在公共场所发生事故,可以通过紧急求助点寻求帮助。紧急救助点是城市和公共场所必不可少的公共设施。主要特点:可与大多数PBX、PBX、PAX系统配套使用。1.2.主体采用全不锈钢结构,坚固耐用,耐高温。无手机,扬声器,3。恢复雷电保护自动标准的ITU-T K21 4。 Waterproof grade is IP65(can improve to IP67) 5. Hearing Aid Compatible 6. Support hotline call, can realize ring off automatically if the other side close. 7. Totally adopt SMTC craftwork keep very good quality. 8. The design is super thin and smart. Embed style and hanging style can be chosen. 9. Every call is limited(set by five minutes), auto ring off if time exceeded. (Optional) 10. The telephone has passed the certificate of ISO9000(2000) Built-in Inductin loop An induction loop has been provided to assist hearing aid users. Please switch your hearing aid to the T position. Supply Voltage: 12v DC