视频对讲系统KNZD-20W视频对讲系统是一种现代建筑,采用现在的高新技术,物联网技术,远程监控开门。IP对讲机集成视频语音,可在室内与访客进行交流,具有人脸识别功能。内置对讲机,安全、稳定、使用方便,非常适合公寓使用。主要特点:采用SHARP,CMOS相机。适用于大多数PABX, PBX和PAX系统,如:NEC,LG,AVAYA中兴,TADIRAN。1.2.主体采用全不锈钢结构,坚固耐用,耐高温。无手机,扬声器,3。恢复雷电保护自动标准的ITU-T K21 4。防水等级IP65(可提高至IP67) 5。 The metal shell is provided with grounding connection device and is absolutely insulated with inner circuit and electric , then has the effect of electromagnetism shield. 6. Support hotline call, can realize ring off automatically if the other side close. 7. Totally adopt SMTC craftwork keep very good quality. 8. The design is super thin and smart. Embed style and hanging style can be chosen. 9. Every call is limited(set by five minutes), auto ring off if time exceeded. (Optional) 10.The telephone has passed the certificate of ISO9000(2000) Applications: As Public telephone for indoor or outdoor, elevator phone, Taxi or bus stands or station, Highway call box. Railway, metro, ATM machines side, Tunnel, Port, Dock, Mines, Generation facilities…. A good ideal telephone for use in wet or corrosive atmospheres