热缩夹头夹头使用开槽夹头夹刀柄。这些夹套是灵活的,但也收集冷却剂,碎片和污垢。这对刀具的跳动和夹持力有负面影响。结果是精度的损失和更高的刀具磨损,并最终损坏工件。这导致了更高的制造成本。随着热电偶收缩夹头的发明,有可能显著改善热电偶系统。热缩套筒是一个整体的持有人,他们没有插槽。在收缩过程中,刀具将夹紧在夹头中,还有一个额外的优势,即刀具可以预置到所需的长度。夹持力是极高的,并提供比开槽夹头更高的扭矩率。收缩夹头提供更好的跳动,符合热收缩夹头高速铣削和微生产。 Since milling speeds increased in modern machining, clamping of cutters in slotted collets became critical. When the cutter is not exactly clamped centric the cutting forces increase and the runout of the holder and cutter are less accurate. This creates more cutter wear and bad cutting results. Thermo-ER Shrink Collets eliminate the negative effect of slotted collets on unbalance because the cutter always sits correctly in the center of the collet and does not move. Radial forces are much lower and therefore higher cutter speeds are possible. Users of Thermo-ER Shrink Collets report increase of tool life of more than 300 %.