•二合一:便携式秤和托盘千斤顶。•使用简单:起吊称重,无需转移负载。•托盘或容器的皮重功能。•长寿命可充电电池,连续使用30小时以上。•配备RX3精密钢传感器。•LED显示屏用于远距离读数。功能:•调零。•插座皮重。•重量的累积。•块计数器功能。 • Hold function, last-weighing memory. Effortless raising and weighing In one operation it can raise the load, calculate the exact weight and move the pallet towards its destination, gaining time. With your TCamel S you will not need many scales. This one alone will do all the work, wherever you need it.