特性•AISI-316不锈钢结构和称重传感器•快速动作泵迅速提高和称重托盘•高质量尼龙轮以改善电阻•包括并容纳在不锈钢框架•HR 2T模型内部K3指示器:容量:600公斤/ 2000千克;teadability:200克/500克•K3指示器•可选集成打印机•4自动保持水平称重大型物体•连接到我们的无线遥控显示器和打印机•用视觉和声音指示•100产品记忆片计数功能检查功能必威体育app官方下载• 20 digital tares memory • Last weight memorization and programmable auto-off Ideal for wet environments Thanks to the fact that it’s made of AISI 316 stainless steel, with stainless steel cells, it’s guaranteed to be highly resistant to rust in wet environments. Integrated Printer (optional) Ticket printer with number of items weighed, cumulative weight, date, and time of each load (optional), product code, lot no., ticket no., and page header and footer.