诺密特蜂蜜系列均质机旨在彻底混合,混合和均质各种蜂蜜,以提高其质量,并获得认证的整个批次。诺密特蜂蜜均质器系列是一个常压水平圆柱形容器与加热夹套(蒸汽或水的压力高达5 bar)和螺旋式搅拌器。加热夹套采用枕板的形式,可以使用高压热载体(最高可达5巴,可以是自来水),减少金属的厚度,改善热传导,并消除任何地方的过热。夹套放置在均质器的整个圆柱形表面上。均质器上部设有舱口,用于卸货和维修。均质器可以选择提供一个绝缘层。在其基本版本的蜂蜜均质器设计连接外部热源。它可以选择配备自己的热源。均质器可选配过滤系统。它完全由食品工业用AISI304不锈钢制造,与产品接触的部分可按要求提供AISI316L。 Normit HPL The special design of the agitator ensures fast and even mixing of honey, which allows you to have the entire batch of honey certified without problems after homogenizing it. The efficient heating system with its speciallydesigned jacket ensures rapid melting of crystallized honey. The honey homogenizer can be manufactured in any size according to the customer’ s needs. Hygienic design, with no dead zones that don’ t get mixed.