Boomer XE/WE液压工作面钻机适用于中型至大型巷道和隧道。为了优化正常运行时间,这些钻机具有自我诊断功能。Boomer E3和Boomer E4是用于中到大型巷道和断面达205平方米的液压面钻机。即使在最恶劣的岩石条件下,用高强度的But 45轰击破土也很容易。Boomer E系列钻机配备了我们国际知名的钻机控制系统。为了优化正常运行时间,这些钻机具有自我诊断功能。由于其耐用的钻柱,高钻井精度和减少超钻。辛勤工作的Boomer E3和Boomer E4钻机进行了出色的投资。Boomer E3、E4系列Face钻机覆盖面积达205平方米,是施工项目的理想选择。betway必威手机版官网下载由于使用了高强度的BUT 45炮,破土变得很容易,它可以让你在最艰难的岩石条件下快速前进。 Equipped with our award winning control system and a hydraulic rock drill specially suited to tackle any type of rock. These durable rigs make excellent investments given their long-lasting drill strings, high drilling accuracy and reduced overbreak. Main benefits Flexible and versatile thanks to the modular boom bracket design which aids in achieving the desired tunnel shape and the W/X-consoles for maximum width/height Smart investment and long lifecycle with the robust BUT 45 booms and their ability to take advantage of the largest range of rock drills on the market Safe and easy operation