Boomer S1 L低调面钻机,用于漂移和隧道,横截面高达29平方米。具有低排放优异钻钢经济性的强大性能快速拔斑,易于机动柴油发动机提供了低排放量的强大性能。柔性地下钻机臂S1 L是一个低调液压面钻机,适用于小漂移和隧道,横截面可达29平方米。但是28个动臂允许快速,精确定位,液压平行保持在所有方向上。COP 1638HD +或COP 1838HD +岩石钻擅自各种岩石条件。双阻尼系统最大限度地提高了消耗品的生命。柴油机提供强大的排放性能。For high performance drilling in small drifts, you can rely on the low profile Boomer S1 L. Main benefits Powerful performance with low emission diesel engine which leaves a relatively low environmental footprint while making a a tremendous impact on the rock type you face Outstanding drill steel economy with the available rock drills (COP 1638HD+ and COP 1838HD+) which feature dual damping for efficient, high-speed drilling Fast tramming and easy manoeuvring thanks to the articulated carrier with rotation pressure controlled feed (RPCF) which prevents jamming and extends drill steel longevity