便携式工业ATEX认证真空配备气旋作为标准切向进气口。本机装有大型M级防静电聚酯过滤器。一个实用和坚固的100l可拆卸的容器,允许操作者安全地处理真空材料。吸气单元吸气单元是一种侧风道鼓风机,其直接连接电机和叶轮。侧风道风机设有安全阀,保证在完全安全的情况下持续工作,无需任何维护。吹风机还配备了金属消声器,以保持低噪音水平。过滤元件采用M级聚酯过滤器过滤。即使空气脏了,星形也能让空气通过过滤器。过滤器的织物分类为M级(BIA | EN 60335-2-69)。这意味着在1微米之前的所有粒子都被过滤器停止,以保护吸尘器周围的鼓风机和操作人员。 SUCTION INLET The tangential inlet is designed to ease the process of pushing the material down the bin. A sturdy metal cyclone welded inside the chamber slows the material's entry speed considerably down so that it falls directly inside the bin. This way, the filter is efficiently protected, minimizing clogging risk. COLLECTION BIN The vacuumed material is collected in an AISI 304 stainless steel container, equipped with a metal handle that enables the bin to be detached from the machine, to avoid any spark that could be generated by the electrostatic charge. Thanks to the 4 sturdy pivoting wheels, the bin can be moved very easily to then dispose of the collected material.