压缩空气紧密型真空配备高性能文丘里管,完全与压缩空气工作。它包含一个M类口袋过滤器,包括一个实用的手动过滤器振动系统。这些材料被收集在一个坚固的65L/100L容器中,可以分离在加强的工业车轮上。吸尘器配有文丘里管。这就产生了一个不需要任何机械或电子元件的显著真空。切向进口的设计,以减轻推动物料下料仓的过程。一个坚固的金属旋风焊接在室内减缓材料的进入速度相当低,因此它直接落在料仓内。通过这种方式,过滤器得到了有效的保护,最大限度地降低了堵塞的风险。即使空气脏了,星形也能让空气通过过滤器。过滤器的织物分类为M级(BIA | EN 60335-2-69)。 This means that all particles till 1 micron are stopped by the filter so as to protect the suction unit and the operator around the vacuum cleaner. COLLECTION BIN The material is collected inside a painted container equipped with a metal handle which enables the bin to be detached from the machine. Thanks to its 4 swiveling wheels, the bin can be easily moved and emptied. Each wheel is reinforced to guarantee maximum stability during handling.