MH20紧凑强壮。MH20具有坚固的结构,允许小轮尺寸的高升降能力。优异的稳定性最大振动最大干燥牵引力低滚动电阻长使用寿命产品特点> - 高倾斜稳定性> - 大负载能力> - 较少的轧制Résistance> - 坚固的设计> - 高程时间效能大陆超弹性(CSE)以适应在工业气动轮胎边缘。它们由具有高度切割和耐磨化合物的胎面组成。具有高阻尼性能的缓冲化合物导致低滚动阻力和低温产生。嵌入式胎圈线的底座确保最佳的边缘合适;侧壁配有高度切割和耐磨化合物。通过这些性质,CSE轮胎特别适合叉车(负载和方向盘)和短距离运输。特别是在降低潜力的区域,您将断言大陆超弹性轮胎持续。 Solid Tires are best for tough applications on slow vehicles or trailers with a high risk of impact and damage. They are extremely stable, puncture resistant and maintenance-free. Solid Tires have a high loading capacity and are extremely economical. Therewith they are ideal suitable for forklift trucks, airport vehicles, heavy-duty transport vehicles, side-loading forklifts, platform trucks and other industrial vehicles.