拖车为10.00-20年的终端拖车设计开发。拖车是一个固体光滑轮胎最大磨损量高里程和长寿命。它光滑的图案防止脚跟和脚趾磨损,抵抗角落磨砂。高里程高承载能力低滚动阻力最大耐久性优良的驾驶舒适性>——多亏了巧妙的设计>低振动异常平滑性能很好的抵抗损害>——光滑的设计会导致增加抗性>——优秀的可靠性由于少比异形胎面边缘pattern Solid Tires are best for tough applications on slow vehicles or trailers with a high risk of impact and damage. They are extremely stable, puncture resistant and maintenance-free. Solid Tires have a high loading capacity and are extremely economical. Therewith they are ideal suitable for forklift trucks, airport vehicles, heavy-duty transport vehicles, side-loading forklifts, platform trucks and other industrial vehicles. Especially at air- and seaports, in logistic centers and industrial applications these tires are in use. Industries, where clean environment is important (e.g. food- and pharmaceutical industry), profits from the non-marking version (Clean Solid Tires): They are also very stable, puncture resistant and have a long service life. But additionally, they are especially designed for minimum floor marking in a clean industrial environment. We offer two construction types: Super-Elastic Tires and Press-on-Bands.