Brabender Amylograph-e:测量面粉的胶质化特性和酶活性。Amylograph-E测量淀粉特性和酶活性,例如。G。由发芽损伤(α淀粉酶活性)导致。为什么这很重要?面粉的烘烤特性取决于淀粉胶质化和面粉中的酶活性(α-淀粉酶)。高酶活性表示,在小麦中发芽,会产生粘稠的面团,在加工过程中可能引起问题,并导致颜色差和质地较弱的产品。必威体育app官方下载如果符合给定应用程序的规格,可以检查从磨坊提供的面粉,如何执行测试?将来自面粉和水的样品混合到浆液中,在旋转碗中以恒定的加热速率为1.5°C / min的恒定加热,随着淀粉颗粒的膨胀,浆料变成糊状物。根据悬浮液的粘度,将到达碗的销钉的测量被偏转。 The deflection is measured as viscosity over time, i. e. vs. temperature, and recorded on-line. Evaluation: Beginning of gelatinization, gelatinization maximum and temperature Standards fullfilled (amongst others): - ICC-Standard no. 126/1 - ISO 7973 - AACC Method no. 22-10.01 What are the benefits? - Compliance with international standards for testing flour quality - Practice-oriented test procedure: recording of the full enzyme activity, no deactivation of enzymes before recording, heating rate similar to the crumb inside the bread - High flour and end product quality: Prediction of the flour‘s baking characteristics, well-aimed addition of enzymes - No production losses due to usage of inappropriate material