Quadrumat Junior:新的辊磨机,用于用户友好的实验室面粉准备它用于什么用来了?Brabender Quadrumat Junior是一个通用的实验室滚筒磨机,具有综合分离和展望铣削小麦,拼写,黑麦,大麦和米饭。结果是什么?在一步中,多级研磨过程产生实验室面粉,几乎相当于灰分含量,产量和烘烤质量方面的商业生产的粉末。那些可用于随后的分析,例如标准测试,与法图谱图,扩展仪,锯辐射仪,传送数或下降数。它是如何工作的?- 谷物填充到饲料料斗中,并通过饲料卷 - 晶粒通过可调节的进给栅极通过第一个断裂(滚动号码1和2),第二次断裂(卷2和3)和最后的研磨单元(滚动3和4)。- 该产品落入圆筛 - 将过筛的面粉落入轮筛下粉抽屉。麸皮在筛子出口下方的麸皮抽屉中收集。 What are the benefits? - Method complying with AACCI 26-50.01 - Close simulation of the production process - Good reproducibility of the test results - Production-like yield and quality of flour and ash content in a single process - Maximum separation of endo- and exosperm - No splitting up of the bran - No re-adjustment needed when changing over to another type of wheat or to wheat with another moisture content Robust housing - Enhanced usability: Easy-to-clean design, larger drawers for flour (+ 22 %) and bran (+ 15 %) - Compliance with current safety standards (incl. ATEX) - Lower noise level