•360度旋转纸卷夹,可安全有效,垂直和水平滚动处理。•用液压位置的短臂旋转长臂运动。•在夹具中具有最佳可见性的纤细手臂设计。•型号5-22xx:无拆分长臂用于单卷处理。•型号5-26xx:拆分手臂,用于1-2卷处理。•标准系列中的几个接触垫选项。•内置压力释放阀,用于设置最佳夹紧力。注意:需要两个液压功能。包括可调节的压力缓解阀。短臂:可调节45度旋转。 Models 5-xxxx-xx with fixed (non-moving) short arm. Models 5-xxxx-xx-A with hydraulically positionable short arm. See hydraulic specifications page for pressure and flow rate recommendations. Standard contact pads: metal grain pattern with high-friction surface. Minimum 3,5-degree forward tilt on lift mast is required for horizontal handling. Options: Special roll ranges. Fixed (non-moving) short arm. Contact pad options: steel-sprayed, rubber faced, polyurethane faced