ATP的Securstor支持的工业管理NAND解决方案是用于空间受限嵌入式系统的Deled Distract存储解决方案,包括EMMC以及PCIe BGA。它们通常用于存储引导码,信息娱乐内容,用户应用程序和密钥操作系统文件。由于其小型占地面积小,而且崎岖的设计,它们广泛应用于汽车和移动应用。因此,它们需要保护防范篡改,恶意软件和其他威胁,以确保可靠的操作和阻止未经授权的访问。启用ATP Securstor的托管NAND解决方案可提供以下功能:*•休息安全功能的数据,包括Securencrypt,TCG Opal•SecurWipe:快速,安全和永久地删除卡上的所有数据,以及广泛的客户-and application-specific features are available on request to protect against unauthorized access to the NAND media, system or network, to define read/write access restrictions (including WORM) or to validate content that is to be stored on the embedded storage device. Key Features SecurEncrypt: AES-256 encryption for the User Data area Opal: Encryption and other features defined for data storage devices by the Trusted Computing Group SecurWipe: Fast, safe and permanent removal of data