ACE垂直转向中心与增加的容量相结合电源,刚性和多功能性。宽进入卡盘区易于装载和卸载零件。X&Z轴上的线性运动导轨确保更好的定位和可重复性。这款机器非常适合转动重型,大直径组件,如飞轮,制动鼓,大尺寸齿轮等。机器有利于易于装载和卸载重型部件。该机器占据较小的楼层空间,而不是可以转动可比较的尺寸零件的水平车削机。主轴盒式型主轴在受控的洁净室环境中组装和测试。轴承配置在轴向和径向方向上向主轴组件提供非常高的刚度。轴承是润滑润滑脂的润滑脂。高扭矩主轴电机为重股拆卸提供动力。轴X和Z轴采用大直径精密接地球螺钉,通过精密级滚珠丝杠支撑轴承支撑在每一端。 Ball screws are pre-tensioned to minimize the effect of temperature growth. Heavy duty linear motion guides are widely spaced to ensure stability. Ball screws and LM guides are protected with the help of telescopic covers. Automatic metered lubrication is provided to both LM guides and ball screws. Overload Tripping Clutch Overload trip clutch is provided on both axes to minimise the damage caused in the event of accident. Hydraulic counterbalance is provided for z axis to counter the effect of gravity on slide unit thus ensuring the maximum availability of motor torque for cutting. It also helps to prevent the fall of slide in case of Z axis clutch trip.