依靠光线来束在设备之间的数据,LI-Fi是快速安全通信的关键,避免无线电波很重要。French Eart-up最近推出了第一个现成的微芯片,允许任何智能手机,平板电脑或笔记本电脑整合LI-Fi。
Li-Fi is a two-way optical wireless communication technology that offers high-speed, low-latency links over short distances. It relies on LED lights flashing at more than 10 million times per second, making it imperceptible to the human eye.
Direct line of sight is not necessary for Li-Fi to transmit a signal, with the light reflected off walls still achieving data speeds of 70 megabits per second.
French Start-up Oledcomm
At Mobile World Congress 2021, French start-up Oledcomm launched its Gigabit OFE (Optical Front End), the first ready-to-use microchip which allows any smartphone, tablet or laptop to integrate Li-Fi.
Using standard semiconductor analogue technology (250 nm), the Gigabit OFE is less affected by global semiconductor shortage. While Li-Fi is not yet as cost-effective as Wi-Fi, it is a practical replacement in environments where radio waves are not suitable.
The fact Li-Fi can’t pass through walls makes it well-suited to highly secure environments such as government and defence. The Hague’s conference centre has deployed a Li-Fi trial to provide more secure communications.
li fi在医院中也有应用,avoids interfering with sensitive medical equipment. It is also well-suited to factory floors where it can operate reliably in noisy RF environments.
The Gigabit OFE will allow mobile device manufacturers to seamlessly integrate Li-Fi into their products, says Oledcomm president Benjamin Azoulay.
“最终用户体验将在根本上变化,因为不再需要加密窗。在挑战Covid-19次和半导体能力的全球短缺中,OLEDCOMM展示了其领导力,弹性和承诺,以实现其使命:提供无论是Wi-Fi / 4G / 5G的地方无线电波是不合适的。“
LI-Fi面临的最大挑战之一是协议的标准化。在ITU-G.9991的基础设施标准完成后,该行业正在等待最终确定专用于移动设备的IEEE 802.11bb草案标准。