符合人体工程学的感觉与不妥协的精确性能相结合:IKA单一固定和可变移液管可以用于现代实验室的许多应用。彩色编码简化了快速选择合适的移液管。抗冲击,紫外线和化学物质,确保锥尖提供长期可靠的剂量。PETTE固定和vario是完全高压灭菌,因此确保容易灭菌。这保证了无故障,精确和安全的操作。符合人体工程学设计的IKA移液管,包括不同形状和材料的可交换握柄。因此,它是保证他们适合在手掌。最小的摩擦和弹簧力也确保剂量与人体工程学处理;没有任何努力。可以使用多功能旋钮单手调节音量。 Moreover, the pipette tip can be released, regardless of the hand position, while the volume adjustment is securely locked. Durable construction The tip cone and piston are coated with a high quality diamond-like carbon (DLC). The design is functional and minimalistic. This combination guarantees particularly robust pipettes and reliably meter day by day in the long term. A large display The display shows the set volumes in easily read characters. The deep position also allows reading while pipetting, without changing the hand position. User-friendly calibration The IKA software used for planning, performing and recording calibration tests for PETTE fix and vario is particularly user-friendly. Simple maintenance and adjustment The volume unit with piston and seal can be disassembled and cleaned in just a few simple steps.