来自“Hanfas”的“glue - man”涂胶器是一个手动手持涂胶器,有两个滚筒。可微调涂胶流量变化。它便于在大型面板和曲面上均匀地涂抹胶水。除了方便用户使用外,还提高了操作效率。它最适合于具有短凝结时间特性的胶水,使大型面板在更短的时间内得到最佳利用。任何制造或品牌的PVA胶水可以涂与这个惊人的' gluman '。每平方米100至120克。地铁。也就是近似。400gms的8' x 4'面板,可以实现。 Also available in different material of construction to suit a wide range of adhesives. Almost 30% glue saving against conventional spreading with brush or spatulas or rollers. Work can be completed in half time, thus making it possible to complete large volumes of pasting in target time. The DIY model is in polycarbonate transparent body, tank capacity 750 grams, roller size 130mm. code H-550 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=PccSvLHbo3E MOQ 500 UNIT PRICE USD$ 25 PER UNIT [US DOLLAR TWENTY FIVE ONLY] EX WORKS PUNE INDIA