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Teledyne ICM便携式探测器
{{#ECH Product.Specdata:i}}{{姓名}}:{{value}} {{#i!=(product.specdata.length-1)}}}
{{/ end}} {{/每个}}
{{#ECH Product.Specdata:i}}{{姓名}}:{{value}} {{#i!=(product.specdata.length-1)}}}
{{/ end}} {{/每个}}
With their large active areas, shock-absorbing hard protective sleeves, and light-weight form factor, the new GO-SCAN digital panels have been designed to meet NDT technicians’ requirements in terms of ease-of-use, ruggedness, and image ...
Teledyne Icm.
With their large active areas, shock-absorbing hard protective sleeves, and light-weight form factor, the new GO-SCAN digital panels have been designed to meet NDT technicians’ requirements in terms of ease-of-use, ruggedness, and image ...
Teledyne Icm.
......小时(连续操作)主动冷却:没有y / n尺寸探测器head:238 x 154 x 25 / 9.4 x 6.0 x 1.0 mm / inch整体尺寸:238 x 154 x 80 / 9.4 x 6.0 x 3.1 mm /寸探测器头 ...
Teledyne Icm.
X射线的Shad-O-Box HS系列探测器是高性能,高分辨率的X射线成像装置,专为高速数字射线照相应用而设计。每个型号都将X射线传感器模块与合适的...相结合。
Teledyne Icm.
Teledyne Dalsa的Rad-Icon产品系列大区域数字X射线探测器为用户提供高速,高性能的X射线成像探测器使用快速,可靠的PC接口(相机链接),便于...
Teledyne Icm.
轻质,紧凑,直接处理是导致FlatScan15 Xs设计的关键因素。与EOD运算符一起开发,FLATSCAN15 XS重量仅为3.5千克,真正紧凑。结合......
Teledyne Icm.
Teledyne Icm.