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- Automatic testing device>
- Anton Paar
Anton Paar automatic testing devices
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Theautomaticbreaking pointtesterdetermines the brittle behavior of bitumen at low temperatures. The Fraass breaking point is the temperature at which the first crack appears in the coating of a thin, ...
Anton Paar
... flash pointtestingPMA 500 is a Pensky-Martens closed-cup flash pointtesterfor determining the flash point according to ASTM D93, EN ISO 2719, and IP 34. It is the first-class solution forautomatic...
Anton Paar
TheautomaticTag closed-cuptestermeasures the flash point, the lowest temperature at which the vapors of a sample ignite upon the application of an ignition source. Thetestercan ...
Anton Paar
TheautomaticAbel closed-cuptestermeasures the flash point, the lowest temperature at which the vapors of a sample ignite upon the application of an ignition source. Thetestercan ...
Anton Paar
TheautomaticPensky-Martens closed-cuptestermeasures the flash point at the lowest temperature at which the application of an ignition source causes the vapors of a sample to ignite. PMA 5 is suitable ...
Anton Paar
TheautomaticCleveland Open-Cup (COC) measures and describes the properties of a sample in response to heat and a test flame under controlled conditions. The flash point measures the tendency to form a flammable mixture ...
Anton Paar
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