酿造的第一步是麦芽粉碎过程,这是一个非常重要的过程,因为它决定了麦芽汁的质量和产量。研磨的目的是增加麦芽的比表面,注意尽量减少麦芽壳的破碎。果皮的健全提供了更好的过滤条件,粉碎的果仁越细,提取的产量就越大。与ZIPMILL您的质量粉碎是有保证的!碾磨过程是由两个分开的辊子完成的,辊子彼此在预先设定的距离,麦芽通过。设置正确的距离对于获得最佳亮度和保留外壳很重要。通过提供间隙齿轮,调节更容易。建议辊距为0,5-0,6毫米,视麦芽质量而定。料斗配有内置磁铁,可将任何铁磁性物品从原料中抽出。ZIPMILL的立脚点允许储存麦芽直到捣碎或预捣碎。 Due to the acid-resistant materials, the mill can be cleaned by chemicals used in CIP processes. Features • 2 and 4 roller versions • easily adjustable roll distance due to the scaling of the adjusting arresting lever (distance can be controlled with the clearance gauge provided) • available in 600 kg and 1200 kg/hour capacities • food grade and no rust as it is made of 304 stainless steel • quality of the grist can be controlled by the user-friendly sampler • possibility to clean with chemicals used in CIP processes due to the acid-proof raw materials