立式打包机是指从前面装载的打包机。通常情况下,这些回收机器更小,而且是手工捆扎的。它们从上至下进行压缩,因此这种立式打包机也称为下行程打包机。这些立式打包机最适合纺织制造商、仓库、杂货店或任何产生/回收材料的商业实体。它们可以处理旧衣服、纸板、纸箱、椰子纤维、塑料瓶和UBC(用过的饮料容器)等材料。这些打包机也可以处理收缩包装,软包装,织物废料,轮胎/轮胎,木屑,和类似。它们的产量差别很大,大约每小时440 Ibs至33,000 Ibs。所以它们可以被广泛使用。立式打包机结构:机架部分:机体、压缩室、给料门、压板、滑块导向装置、锁紧装置、出料装置。液压部分:电机、泵、液压阀、油缸、压力表、油管、过滤器、油温位表、油箱等。 Electric part: air switch (air circuit breaker), relays, contactors, operation control buttons, etc. Vertical baler machine can be single ram or dual ram baling press, and have a compressing force of anywhere from 10 tons to 200 tons. The different force ratio and number of rams will depend on what you intend to bale. Obviously,more rams and force means you can bale harder / larger / stronger materials (such as tires / tyres). At utmach, we can help you decide on which vertical waste compactor makes the most sense for your needs, both for now and in the future.