制药行业:口服液、保健品、生理盐水、洗剂、止咳糖浆、中药口服液等。必威体育app官方下载化工行业:香水、汽车香水、人奶、沐浴露、洗发水、精油、清洁剂、洗手液、油墨、膏状产品等必威体育app官方下载食品工业:亚麻籽油、蓖麻油、酶、蜂蜜、石斛等。本机适用于各种包装材料,如PVC经PE叠片,PVC经LDPE叠片。1.PLC控制,无级变频调节。2.放卷、成瓶、充填、封合、压花批号、切尾、下料、分切7工位PLC自动完成。3.采用人机界面,操作简单清晰。 4. The filling system no leak, no foam, no overflow. 5. The contact parts made of SS316L, and imported silicone tubes. The machine cover and structure are SS304. GMP compliant. 6. The main pneumatic partsand electrical parts adopts imported fittings with better stability. 7. The peristaltic pump filling system has precise measurement and is suitable for filling various viscosity products. 8. Machine can achieve photo-electrical tracking function.