Zero-Max的扭矩-供应过载安全装置包含了可靠的过载保护扭矩限制器。当堵塞或过载发生时,内置的扭矩限制器将可靠和迅速释放,以防止系统损坏。扭矩-软扭矩限制器是防篡改的。一旦安装,扭矩值不能更改。这一特点确保了机械设计的完整性,并使昂贵和潜在风险的校准程序不必要。扭矩值由订货的零件号控制;这个值决定了在扭矩限制器组装过程中使用什么弹簧。然而,扭矩值可以在现场改变;为了达到新的扭矩值,必须拆卸扭矩限制器并更换弹簧。标准扭矩调制器是双向的。 Torque value remains the same regardless of rotation. If specified, the torque limiter can be configured at the factory to release at different torque ratings for different rotational directions. When used as a coupling, the Torq-Tender fulfills two functions: 1) A flexible shaft coupling; 2) a mechanical torque limiter. In the shaft-to-shaft configuration, the Torq-Tender can accommodate angular shaft misalignment up to 1.5° and parallel misalignments from 0.005” to 0.015”. The enclosed design of the mechanical torque limiter enables it to operate in a wide variety of industrial environments. Special designs and materials can be used to withstand even the most adverse conditions. Every Zero-Max torque limiter is made from durable heat treated steel for a long operational life.