RM系列超声波清洗机是适用于工业应用的一体式超声波清洗机。核心部件超声波发生器采用先进的T技术平台,清洗效率高,操作简单,无需现场调试。可广泛应用于金属制品、汽车零部件、电子产品的清洗等。必威体育app官方下载超声波清洗机主要应用于工业上。尺寸和功率可根据您的要求定制。性能特点双频2频率可以根据您的需要轻松切换。对于不同的清洗工艺,可以选择不同的频率,也非常适用于既需要粗清洗又需要精清洗的工件。2.自动扫频能有效地消除驻波。 That's helpful to improve ultrasonic distribution in the tank and make cleaning more uniformly. 3. Times Peak Power times peak power excitation can act on stubborn stains and semi-aqueous solvents, ultrasonic performance is improved obviously. 4. Linearly Adjustable Power Ultrasonic power can be adjusted 10-100% linearly, which is more precisely for different cleaning request. 5. Load Self-Adaption It will adjust itself to fit to different working conditions (liquid temperature, liquid level and with/without workpiece) automatically, and maintain the optimal working frequency and constant power output. 6. High Definition Industrial Level LCD Display User-friendly LCD display allows user to monitor working status and set parameters.