符合或超过ASHRAE 90.1-2007标准Simplicity®控制。固有保护的冷凝器风扇电机。5分钟抗短周期定时器,压缩机运行时间最短。标准操作至40°F。工厂或现场安装低环境VFD控制至0°F。工厂安装的断开,方便的出口和技术线圈的选择。涡旋压缩机既高效又可靠。冷凝器线圈由微通道铝管,铝翅片组成,经久耐用,高效运行。压缩机运行时关闭曲轴箱加热器。自给的高和低压力控制。 Solid state or internal line break compressor motor protection. Class 2, 24-volt thermostat control circuit. A filter drier is shipped in the unit’s control box for field installation in the liquid line. Copper stub-outs are factory-mounted on the suction and liquid lines to simplify the field piping connections. Compressor staging for capacity reduction provides more economical operation and even temperature levels within the conditioned space (except 7.5 ton). Multiple controls to provide stable system operation at ambient temperatures down to 40ºF with kits available for operation to 0ºF. A lockout circuit prevents the unit from cycling on safety control. Pumpout on unit startup to prevent allowing liquid refrigerant returning to the compressor is standard on 25 through 50 ton models.