GA10是基于PC的数据记录应用软件,用于通过以太网在工厂中分发的设备或处于地区的设备进行监控和录制。PC的集中化将提高监控和记录操作的效率,减少负担。新的!AI支持检测设备的预测异常符号。自动检测并通知“异常”,这些是异常的迹象。您可以防止由于未填充的设备故障而防止生产停止,并稳定地操作工厂。>>请参阅相关页面,AI产品解决方案。新的!添加了工厂能源可视化功能。通过添加集成显示功能,可以可视化工厂的整个能量,通过全面监测可以降低运营成本。 Benefits of GA10 introduction: Collecting data can be prepared in 3 steps Unified monitoring using custom screens tailored to uses Cost-savings through demand monitoring Collect scattered data All the data is acquired by connecting the various devices installed in a factory to an Ethernet network. Simple settings Simply select the devices to connect and you are ready to acquire data. With data loggers and recorders, tag names are automatically reflected and multi-channel acquisition can be started easily. In addition, data processing is easy using the math function (option).