徐工SQ5SK3Q 5吨微型汽车吊12.6米牵引车吊待售。提供售后服务:工程师可到国外维修机械。起重力矩:12.5 t * m马克斯。吊臂长度:最大4.09~11.2m起升高度:12.6m起升范围:0-75°重量:2280kg外形尺寸:4365×2430×3017mm支腿跨距:2280-5100mm节气门控制系统改变了以往的操纵形式和节气门单独操作,实现了双边手柄同步和驱动节气门自动加减速,由于速度变化平稳,可以方便地进行举升工作。2.端位自动吊钩装置最大限度地节省了操作前后的准备时间,确保客户的车辆能在最短的时间内处于驾驶状态,防止吊车摆动造成吊车损坏事故,增强了行车安全。3.吊装过卷装置如果用户疏忽或不熟悉吊钩的操作,吊装过卷装置会及时停止吊钩起吊,防止因钢丝绳断裂造成人身和财产安全。4.Slewing locking device Slewing locking device can ensure that the lifting arm does not sway because of the centrifugal force during the driving and steering process of the vehicle,to avoid all kinds of accidents caused by swaying. 5.Torque limiter It can select torque limit overload protection device to prevent users because of negligence or unfamiliar with the lifting operation principle of overload operation, thereby causing the vehicle rollover and crane damage accidents.