徐工LW700KN 7吨轮式装载机。尺寸(长*宽*高):9455×3430×3630mm牵引力:最大210kn。爬坡:28ºMax。倾倒角度:45ºMax。LW700KN是徐工集团最新一代7t装载机产品,采用徐工集团独有的全球化平台技术,在节能、高效、可靠、舒适、可维护性等领域处于全面领先地位。1.针对硬重物料(如矿石)和轻散物料(如煤)分别设计了相应的模型,以实现最佳生产率,广泛适用于港口、矿山、物流企业的生产组织。2.功率性能和效率更高,最大爆发力210kN,吊臂提升时间≤6.5s,总循环时间≤11s。The low noise and high torque engine and the high capacity torque converter guarantee the maximumefficiency during low speed traveling to remarkably reduce the fuel consumption. 3.The bucket is thoroughly made of high strength steel plates to improve the wear resistance and impactresistance by more than 30% and prolong the service life. 4.The international leading full-hydraulic wet brake axleequipped features high carrying capacity and compactstructure. The front axle is fitted with anti-slip differential,featuring powerful field adaptability.All harnesses adopt full-sealed connectors to greatly improve the water-proof and dust-proof capacity.