XCMG官方XZ2200水平定向钻机(HDD)。认证:ISO9001尺寸(L * W * H):12700×2700×3500mm重量:31000kg电源(w):242kw电源类型:柴油型:水平定向钻重:31000.000kg售后服务:为服务机械提供工程师海外移动类型:履带式最大拉力 - 拉力:2200kn Max。推力拉速:35米/分钟最大。主轴速度:90r / min max。倾斜角度:16最大。扭矩:75000N•M发动机型号(中国III欧盟阶段IIIA):QSL8.9额定功率(CHINA III EU Stage IIIA):484千瓦(242×2)/(2100 r / min)1,使用双发动机。HDD在任何发动机的条件下都有所有运动。调整与旋转多速控制的行程速度调节的多条件技术,使HDD适合于复杂地质。您可以在小管直径的条件下使用一个发动机,以减少燃料消耗。 So it is inexpensive in construction. 2、The HDD adopt the patent of rotation tooth. It is easy to achieve in clipping the pipe. It is reliable in clamping. 3、The HDD’s rotation adopt closed hydraulic system and it’s push or pull adopt load sensitivity technology. The main part of hydraulic and electric and transmission are made of world first-class brand products, good performance, good reliability.