XCMG官方18M铰接式空中工作平台GTBZ18A1最大。工作高:最大20.1米。平台高度:最大18.4米。工作范围:平台11.9m旋转角:最大360°。旅行速度:最多6km / h。尾巴摇摆:0mm min。转动半径:6米最大。等级能力:0.45分钟。地面清关:230mm重量:10600kg(1)高通路适应性与四轮驱动,越野宽的轮胎和新轴浮动技术,驱动器优越,道路适应性强,最高级能力为45%,达到行业最高水平(2)准确高效的操作“Σ”型连杆折叠混合动力臂设计;整体布局是紧凑的,尾部摆动很小,很容易存储和进入狭窄的工作空间; the extending of the body is flexible, without regional restrictions and with a wide operating range. It has upward, downward and crossed precise multidirectional positioning functions and excellent extending features. (3)Compactness and flexibility The complete machine is arranged compactly and crank boom recovery gesture is adopted during transportation with transportation length of only 7m; meanwhile, it adopts tailless wagging design, which is convenient for storage and entering into narrow space for operation.