CAPSUREme CAPSUREme是X-Rite的独特解决方案,用于确定完美的粉底搭配,使用定制打印的卡和智能手机,将您的触手延伸到消费者的家中。许多化妆品品牌所有者和零售商正在利用CAPSURE™化妆品快速、轻松地确定适合女性肤色的完美粉底。它已经取得了巨大的成功——事实上,几家大型化妆品零售企业使用CAPSURE化妆品报告粉底销售额有了显著的增长!现在,您可以以一种负担得起的、易于使用的方式将这项技术带给终端用户,从而进一步扩展您的范围。你知不知道……在最近的一项调查中,78%的女性表示,如果能找到更好的伴侣,她们愿意改变自己的基础。让我们来帮助他们!加入我们,征服世界!是时候在任何时间,任何地点,提供完美的颜色搭配了吗?优点:方便、方便、实惠的方式为美容顾问或消费者确定准确的粉底匹配使用定制打印卡和智能手机,并提高新产品发布的有效性。 Appeals to millennials who expect their smartphones to be able to do just about anything. Enhances the customer experience and increases brand loyalty. Reduces cosmetics returns due to dissatisfaction with color. Encourages online purchasing of cosmetics with the confidence that the color will meet expectations. It's as easy as 1-2-3! Take advantage of our expert services to create a custom database of your products and use our SDK to integrate CAPSUREme with your mobile app Order branded CAPSUREme target cards from X-Rite.