产品说明1.新一代CNC液压机采用八边框架引导结构。适用的工艺,热压成型汽车内饰。2.适用于汽车头部,行李箱,座椅靠背,外套架,轮罩,遮阳道,罩绝缘垫等部分3.伺服电机与高精度油泵驱动器配合以控制压力,速度和排气部分。4. PLC编程,触摸屏显示,控制。5.精确控制位移,速度和压力传感器,在工业触摸屏上的任意调整。6.提供远程网络服务,机器自动报警以提示故障和维护。7.适用于修剪和复合成型汽车内饰零件特点1.高效率和节能,功耗比普通电机更低的能量减少30%-50%。2.低噪音,噪声可以在大约60分贝上控制。3.工作位置,速度和压力可以既既复齐地调整。 4. Quick response, high pressure and position repeat accuracy. 5. High efficiency, multiple protections inside, and extremely low failure rate. 6. 12 hours of continuous work without cooling oil temperature. 7. Pipes and joints adopt SEA international standards to prevent pipeline oil leakage. 8. Adopt button centralized control, (fixed distance / constant pressure) two control methods, (adjustment / automatic) two operation methods. 9. European CE standard hydraulic system and electrical appliance safety IP54 level.