应用YGL-C150钻机已广泛用于隧道施工的管道棚钻孔;灌浆加强孔钻孔;而且还有排水孔和大型吨位预应力锚固孔的岩土工程,如钻孔的钻孔,铁路,高速公路等钻孔;GSHPS孔和水井或水勘探孔;陆地防治钻孔及岩石塌陷治疗工程。特点●采用顶级液压旋转电源头部冲击,德国进口,多角钻井和卓越性能。●钻孔的速度比传统机器快。●在钻孔地面区域,砾石场和碎片岩石层时,没有暗沉的污染,无需空气压缩机。●特殊管钻技术。它可以牢固地钻探快速和保险项目。 ● In complex condition, it can use double tube rotating drilling, in order to make hole stable and easy to slip casting. ● The drilling rig can be applied for different technique methods and a variety of ground conditions. Especially in the difficult work condition, such as the incompact ground area, the gravel place, and the fragment rock stratum, this drilling can always provide the operator excellent solutions.