YGL-150R钻机是一种全液压动力头(顶驱)钻机。主要用于地源热泵地热井钻孔作业,也可用于大坝建设边坡、铁路、公路等岩土工程的排水孔和大吨位预应力锚固孔的钻孔作业;碎石区高压喷射注浆导孔爆破孔;高层建筑深层地下室基础锚固孔;防浮锚孔;室内建筑基础补强孔;注浆补强孔;道路或坝基的补强孔;以及防滑锚固孔。 Features ● The great rotary torque and long feeding stroke distance of the drilling rig make the speed of borehole faster, the disposal capability of accident better and efficiency of drilling work higher. ● Extension mechanism (Chinese patent number: ZL03222451.6) in the output spindle of top drive power head protects drilling tools effectively. ● The gearshift mechanism of top drive power head adopts the hydraulic shift method which has the strongpoint of the quickness, convenience, reliability, etc. of the gearshift. ● The hydraulic clamp & wrench device enormously decreases the assistant time and also reduces the intensity of operating work. ● The equipment is mounted on the track chassis with the turning platform mechanism which makes the moving and walking more and more convenient. ● The principal hydraulic elements are all selected from import or home well famous products that make the machine have a stable, reliable and durable performance.