GF-1530JHT组合激光切割机,钣金加工面积为1500mm*3000mm,金属管切割面积为6M或3M,直径20-160mm。GF-1530JHT光纤激光切片管机的优点是什么?1.激光切割金属板材和管材易于更换在软件中切割板材或管材,一机两用,一体机是理想的金属加工。2.双交换工作台互交换工作台,19秒内快速交换,节省加载时间。3.高阻尼床身采用双驱动结构,刚性好,保证了高切削速度和高加速度的切削效果。4.双排气动卡盘可在几秒钟内自动夹紧不同直径(20-160mm, 20-200mm可选)的管材。 Technical parameters: 1. Precessing area: sheet metal: 1500mm* 3000mm (1500* 6000mm; 2000* 4000mm; 2000* 6000mm option); tube length 3M or 6M; tube diameter 20- 200mm 2. Laser power: 1000W 1500W 2000W 3000W 4000W (Option) 3. Applicable: ▶ Furniture, Medical Device, Fitness Equipment, Oil Exploration, Display Shelf, Farm Machinery, Bridge, Boating, Structure Parts. ▶ Stainless steel, carbon steel, silicon steel, aluminum plate, brass,copper, galvanized steel sheet and tube. ▶ Round, square, rectangular, oval, waist round tube and other metal pipes.